Welcome to the surreal world of Herbert Clunkerdunk. This 4-part series for the BBC is an energy-packed mix of impromptu music videos, talking objects, weird and wacky costume, and above all, fun.
A lot of effects are in-camera and built around props and makeup, but some were not achievable practically. We teamed up with Fifty Fifty to provide them with the more complex VFX shots ranging from head replacements to extending necks! Being involved from the early stages and helping them to develop ideas worked well with this show. The result of this meant we were able to provide cost-effective solutions and worked as a self-contained unit in some cases, taking green screens and camera equipment on set when needed.
One of the most fun effects was the extending necks. We demonstrated the principle of this with a quick test which helped develop the idea. We used a combination of CGI and Comp tricks to achieve it which gave us the desired look and feel required by the Director. Other shots included graphic elements as well as combing shot plates with live action; the nodding dog in the car is an example of this.
This was a fun project to work on, both on set and during post. It’s well worth a watch if you fancy 10 minutes of escapism!
Director: Martin Stirling
Producer: David Simpson