The Halcyon was the slickest show to hit our television screens in 2017 and fortunately for us, Left Bank Pictures chose Lexhag to handle all of the Visual Effects. The most highly anticipated show of the year, there was a lot of pressure to produce some of our best VFX to date and we’re very proud of what we achieved.
We provided on set supervision services at West London Studios and in many of the locations around London.
During post production we worked on nearly 200 shots across the series. Varied and exciting, we created explosion simulations, set extensions, flying plane and dogfight sequences, ash, ember and smoke simulation, DMP builds and more. This all in addition to the essential 2d comp and cleanup work required to add the little extras that make a period show shot in modern day London more believable.
Production Company: Left Bank Pictures
Executive Producers: Andy Harries & Sharon Hughff
Producer: Chris Croucher
Line Producer: Angie Daniell
VFX Supervisor: Alexis Haggar
VFX Producer: Anna-Louise Gordon